The A. Kat & Zn. Collection, Frans van Nistelrooij.

The A. Kat & Zn. Collection, Frans van Nistelrooij.


Finished: 14-09-2024 16:00

Frans van Nistelrooij from Vught is quitting pigeon racing.


Frans was one of the champions of the BCC circle for many years. He also held his own in the East Brabant department. He is truly a pigeon fancier par excellence. Everything had to be perfect and he did everything for his feathered friends. He is also a nature person and wanted nothing to do with antibiotics. He wanted a strong strain of pigeons that could stay healthy on their own. If they could not do that, there would be no more room for these pigeons.


A few years ago he decided to look for pigeons for the one-day long distance. Money was not considered, he only wanted children from the very best. He wanted to build a new strain with these pigeons. Unfortunately, due to health problems, the decision has now been made to stop pigeon racing.


GPS-Auctions will be selling his pigeons in groups in the coming months. The third part is called: “The A. Kat & Zn Collection”.


In this auction pigeons are offered from the following couples:

“Lady Gerard”, from 2 super breeders, “Son Arkos” & “Mother Gerard”.

2x out “Son Germiny”, RA Bakker & Zn x “Perfect Joke”, J. & J. Kaman.



弗兰斯多年来一直是 BCC 的冠军之一。他在所在赛区东布拉班特地区也占据霸主地位多年。他真的是一位纯粹的鸽友。一切都必须尽善尽美,他为他的鸽子付出了一切。他也是一个崇尚自然的人,从来不喜欢使用任何药物。他希望鸽子的品系强壮,能够自己保持健康。如果它们不能,就再也没有容身之地了。


GPS拍卖将在未来几个月内分批出售他的鸽子。第三组拍卖命名 “卡特兄弟和儿子收藏”


“吉拉德女郎”, 出自两羽超级种鸽, “阿卡斯儿子” & “吉拉德母亲”.

2羽出自 “吉米内儿子”, 巴克父子x “完美乔克”, 杨和乔可.卡曼.

Average bid: 600

Shows all 3 results

  • Lot 01


    Geëindigd 14-09-2024 16:00

    From: "Son Arkos", son "Arkos & Chloe", parents: 1.-20.019d., 1.-11.157d. x "Mother Gerard", (gr.)mother 2.-2.265p., 4.-4.067p., 8.-9.358p., 10.-7.455p., 10.-7.452p. "New Pirlo" & 1/2 sister "Miss Paris".

    orig. A. Kat & Zn.

    Highest offer: Malli
  • Lot 02


    Geëindigd 14-09-2024 16:40

    From: "Son Germiny", 1. NPO 2.310p., 2. NPO 4.814p., 6. NPO 4.118p., 15. NPO 2.895p. & daughter "Gabriel & Adora" x "Perfect Joke", mother "Beautiful Jan", 7. Nat. Ace Pigeon WHZB, daughter "Dylan & Lilian", J.&J. Kaman.

    orig. A. Kat & Zn.

    Highest offer: Jancola
  • Lot 03


    Geëindigd 14-09-2024 17:00

    From: "Son Germiny", 1. NPO 2.310p., 2. NPO 4.814p., 6. NPO 4.118p., 15. NPO 2.895p. & daughter "Gabriel & Adora" x "Perfect Joke", mother "Beautiful Jan", 7. Nat. Ace Pigeon WHZB, daughter "Dylan & Lilian", J.&J. Kaman.

    orig. A. Kat & Zn.

    Highest offer: filip De Groote