The 'Kittel' Special

The ‘Kittel’ Special


Finished: 25-09-2023 13:30

This auction features the world famous “Kittel” central... many lofts at home and abroad have shot to the top like a rocket. From "Kittel", 1. Nat. Ace Pigeon KBDB 2013 — Dirk vd Bulck.


In this auction various inbred and closely related descendants of this flying and breeding phenomenon. Which for many requires no additional explanation.


Who oh who will take this great opportunity?

本次拍卖聚焦世界名鸽“基特尔”, “基特尔”不仅仅是2013 年 KBDB 鸽王冠军 ,还是一羽超级的种鸽。



Average bid: 462.50

Shows all 12 results

  • Lot 01


    Geëindigd 25-09-2023 14:10

    From: "special" Kittel", son "Kittel", 1. Nat. Ace pigeon KBDB & daughter "Kittel" x "Daughter Kittel 927", from "Kittel" & "New Kittel 828", from "New Kittel".

    orig. Aw Drapa.

    “灰基特尔468”, 安德烈.德拉帕,出自“基特尔”直子X“基特尔”直女,100%迪克.范登布克血系

    Highest offer: PalomarPregrino
  • Lot 02


    Geëindigd 25-09-2023 14:10

    From: "Flanders" Kittel", straight from the "Kittel", 1. Nat. KBDB & daughter "Kittel" x "Child New Kittel", from "New Kittel" & dtr. "Blue Ash".

    orig. Aw Drapa.




    Highest offer: pjlofts@aol
  • Lot 03


    Geëindigd 25-09-2023 14:20

    From: "Son Olympic" Kittel", 7. Olympic pigeon '16 & daughter "Kittel", 1. Nat. KBDB x "Lady Rossi Kittel", from "Son Kittel" & "Sister La Machie".

    orig. Aw Drapa.

    “1198”, 迪克.范登布克. 出自“奥林匹克基特尔”直子X“年轻奇迹号”

    Highest offer: PalomarPregrino
  • Lot 04


    Geëindigd 25-09-2023 13:30

    From: “Herbie Kittel", son "Kittel Olympic 999" & daughter"Kittel", 1. Nat. KBDB x "Wondereye", from "Blauwe Beer 388" & daughter "Kittel".

    Original M&C Hansen.

    迪克.范登布克血系,M&C.汉森联合鸽舍,出自 “基特尔奥林匹克999”直子X“灰比尔388” 直女

    Highest offer: Agave
  • Lot 05


    Geëindigd 25-09-2023 14:10

    From: "The 415", from "Son Greipel", 6. Nat. KBDb & "Daughter Kittel", 1. Nat, KBDB x :The 976", daughter "Kittel" & daughter "66", vd Bulck.

    Original SG Andreas & Ullrich

    A. & H. ULLRICH, 出自“基特尔/格里佩” 孙代X“基特尔直女”

    Highest offer: Ramcat
  • Lot 06


    Geëindigd 25-09-2023 13:30

    From: "The 1214", from son "Kittel" & daughter "Kittel", 1. Nat. KBDB x "The 982", from double grandchild "Kittel" & daughter "The 838", great father 22x 1.

    Original Avlsslaget".


    Highest offer: J B C
  • Lot 07


    Geëindigd 25-09-2023 13:30

    From: "The 1214", from son "Kittel" & daughter "Kittel", 1. Nat. KBDB x "The 982", from double grandchild "Kittel" & daughter "The 838", great father 22x 1.

    Original Avlsslaget".



    Highest offer: Noorde
  • Lot 08


    Geëindigd 25-09-2023 13:30

    From: "The 147", from son x daughter "Kittel", 1. Nat. KBDB, brother "Greipel", "New Kittel" x "The 500", daughter "The 838", great sire 22x 1., son "Kittel".

    Original M. & C. Ikast.


    Highest offer: Ramcat
  • Lot 09


    Geëindigd 25-09-2023 14:30

    From: "The 206", from son "Kittel" & daughter "New Kittel", brothers "Greipel" x "The 100", from son "Olympic Kittel" & "Lady Rossi Kittel".

    Original Avlsslaget.

    布鲁诺&亨尼格 ,出自“基特尔/新基特尔” 孙代X. “奥林匹克基特尔”孙女

    Highest offer: J B C
  • Lot 10


    Geëindigd 25-09-2023 13:30

    From: "The 557", from "Herbie Kittel", son "Olympic Kittel" & daughter "Blauwe Beer 388" x "The 602", from grandson x granddaughter "Kittel".

    Original Avlsslget.

    布鲁诺&亨尼格 ,100%迪克.范登布克血系

    Highest offer: Agave
  • Lot 11


    Geëindigd 25-09-2023 13:30

    From: "The 705", from son "Kittel", 1. Nat. KBDB x "The 300", daughter "Red Kittel', son "Kittel" & daughter "Greipel", 6. Nat. KBDB!!!!!!!

    Original Team Eriksson.


    Highest offer: Agave
  • Lot 12


    Geëindigd 25-09-2023 13:30

    From: "The 1400", son "838", great father xx 1., son "Kittel", 1. Nat. KBDB x "The 799", from son "Kittel" & daughter "Greipel", D. vd Bulck.

    Original Team Eriksson.



    Highest offer: Aphindoang